Accomplice Phone Sex – I Got You A Present!

accomplice phone sex

 I know how stressful work has been, and I know that you need accomplice phone sex with me.  You come home after a long day to find me dressed in your favorite thing:  panties and nothing else.  I have the biggest smile, because I know how happy you are about to be.  I’ve made your favorite drink and give you a sweet kiss as I place the cold glass in your hand.

“What are you so happy about today?” you ask me.

Taking your hand, I say nothing, and lead you to the bedroom.  That’s when you see my surprise.

There laying on the bed, is the most perfect little one. All tied up in a shiny red bow.  She has tears pouring down her sweet little face and a ball gag in her mouth.  She was making a lot of noise earlier, and I needed to stop that.

You look at me and smile as you loosen your tie and unbutton your shirt. I can’t wait to watch you bury yourself between her little legs, stretching her slit out further than we even though possible.

I walk over to her and run my hand over her soft little body. She wiggles to get away from me, but she’s tied so tightly to the bed that its no use.

She won’t be going anywhere, ever again.

It’s up to you how long we keep her alive. She’s your present after all.

I love making your day with accomplice phone sex. I’m the best girlfriend ever!

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