She was just a tiny teen walking back to her house after hanging with her friends at the park. She had no idea I was going to lead her to her doom with snuff sex. The little cunt didn’t even look at me as I said hi and waved. Uppity cunt, who the fuck did she think she was. I pretended to go the opposite way from her as she looked nervously around. Good. She felt the evil in the air. I rubbed my pinnacle hanging from my neck. Thanking the dark powers that be for a fine feast of young flesh for you tonight. Down the hill and out the trees as fast As my short legs could take me. I ended up cutting her off at the pass over the creek. Now she was shivering not from the cold, but because she knew, she knew I was going to hurt her. With A start she took off up into the woods. I Might be tiny, but I’m a fast whore! I launched myself and tackled her to the ground. She tried to scream as I brought the chloroform up to her nose. I inspected my piece of fuck property. Going in her pants and slipping a finger inside her vagina. Just as I thought, a virgin, still intact, not even a tampon had been up that little pussy! A couple of your acquaintances met me and lifted her into the trunk of my car. They were hard already for our prize little girl piggy whore. Or shall I say pre-whore. The night is only getting started and I have a taste for gangbang rape porn!