Accomplice Phone Sex for Rape Fantasies of My Sons

accomplice phone sexI do not get to do accomplice phone sex often, but when I do it is always hot. Most of my callers just want to use me, even kill and torture me. Very rarely do I get lucky enough to be a partner in crime, and almost never do I get to be an accomplice for force fucking my own sons. Men rarely admit to me their P desires for my two young sons. Usually, I am offering up my niece or pretending to have daughters. This guy had a hot scenario. One that left me wet and masturbating the rest of the night. My sons thought there was an intruder. They were clueless that I had helped stage the entire thing. I even let the intruder inside the house because he was my accomplice. He acted like he was going to assault me. I screamed loudly and my little boys came to mommy’s aid just like good little boys. That was when he flipped the tables. He told my boys that if they did not get naked, he would kill me. Is it wrong that I got wet over the fact that I knew my assailant had rape phone sex fantasies for my boys, not me? He told my sons to bend over the edge of the bed. I knew just where this was going but they did not. I acted mortified and scared which was hard to do when my cunt was dripping wet. My pussy was giving off that musky arousal scent that I feared would give me away. He fucked my oldest boy fist. His first cock in his ass. I wanted to masturbate, but I restrained myself. I cried and pleaded for my attacker to take me instead of the boys, but he fucked them until they pleaded for mercy. And just like that, my attacker came and left. His cum was dripping out of my sons’ buttholes and they were crying. I was fake crying and praising my boys for protecting their mommy. I feel just a tad guilty for enjoying every moment of the assault on their asses.


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