Home invasion phone sex Awake and Drugged

Just before sunrise I felt hands on me while I was barely able to wake-up. I was unable to comprehend I was experiencing Home invasion phone sex. The prior night I had a date. Honestly I don’t remember much. I don’t think we left my apartment. He brought some stuff for martinis and made one for me. The next thing i know I am waking up to three large men in my apartment. The guy from my date didn’t appear to be there. I think I must have been tricked.

The night was completely erased from my memory. I was fuzzy, sore and I looked down to see my naked battered and bruised body. My face and mouth were so sore. When I tried to get up to go to the bathroom, I couldn’t move. I looked down and saw a lot of blood under and on me. Slowly as I started to wake up more, my holes were being violated still and I felt stinging pain in my ass and pussy. It seems I was being used all night while drugged up.

Home invasion phone sex

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