Medical Castration phone sex

Castration phone sex

Castration phone sex is not for every one. Only those men who need to have those pathetic useless balls removed! I personally like to add some cock torture to the castration process. Now medical devices are such a help when it comes to removing your testes. Can we talk about hot large sounding bars going into your urethra?

 I am such a fan of these medical instruments that I can use to torture you. I know what you’re thinking. You want to keep your balls and you don’t want your cock to have any pain. Well too bad, too sad. A man like you is not met to have his full ball set. Am I opinionated if I would like to slice your dick off? We can start with some barbed wire and a nice fillet knife. For my personal favorite and nice extra sharp diamond cut scalpel. The process might be a little bloody a whole lot pain. But I’m a sadistic talking deviant bitch who pulls no stops when it comes to castration and medical torture. I really don’t see those balls or that cock having a future. If it was up to me every call would be a medical fetish phone sex where I remove your pathetic useless male organs. Your girl Jezabel has a great need to eat your balls and dick and drink your blood! 

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