Cash, charge, or pain

rape phone sex fantasies

I have not had much luck finding a good brutal fuck lately so I thought, maybe I need to spruce up my look a little.
So I decided to go into town to get some new threads.
I found this great adult store that had some really slutty outfits but they were very expensive!
I found the perfect little out fit with a collar and chain and everything! I ad to have it! I was trying to get the security tag off so I could stuff the out fit in my bag but then I noticed this guy following me and watching me.
I went into the bondage section just to try to get away so I could stick this in my bag but he still followed me. And now he was getting closer.
Before I knew it, he had grabbed my and stuffed a giant dildo in my mouth so I couldn’t scream!
I thought I was going to jail but instead, he back handed me and I hit the ground!
He moved fast, tying my hands behind my back and ripping my skirt off.
I knew what was coming next and I was so thankful for the fucking I was about to get!
I heard him unzip his pants and before I could look back, he slammed his monster size cock in my tight ass. He must have turn in wide open because I could feel that familiar sting and smell the blood!
I started to plead and beg and the more I did, the harder he fucked me! So of course, I kept doing it!
Just then, he grabbed my hair and pulled me up. He ripped the giant dildo out of my mouth and shoved his dirty meat down my throat.
It was long before his yummy jizz was blasting my face!
without a word, he threw me to the ground and pulled up his pants. But before he walked away, he threw a wad of money at my limp bloody ass.
I was so excited! I had enough for the outfit and a cigarette!

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