Can You Survive Castration Phone Sex?

castration phone sex

You’re a Masochist coming to this castration phone sex Seducer. Your dick is in my hands and I have the sharpest big Butcher knife at the tip of your penis. I smile and tell you that I want the thinnest cuts of Carpaccio! A thin raw Italian meat. Your dick is big enough to make me a delightful breakfast! Slice by slice the pain sears through you. You rattle your shackles and scream. No one can hear you bitch! Your cock is going to be tortured and sliced paper-thin for hours. The blood doesn’t bother me as I tie a big thick rubber band around the base and clip your balls off with garden shears. This isn’t just castration, its penis mutilation, and cock cutting! Near the base, you keep passing out. And you awake to the soldering iron as I finish you up. I left you alive with a pee tube. You are a mutant and will never get hard again. But you will be a nice hole for these huge cocks I have coming in so they can prolapse your ass! My work is never done as I drizzle olive oil on your slices of cock and gulp them down!

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