Hansel & Gretel: A Tale of Cannibalism

The story of two young bratlings and their unforeseen end. I like this tale of cannibalism phone sex because nothing is finer than a nice dry red wine with some juicy bratwurst. I got to find a couple of the juiciest little brats for my sausage party of hung guys when I was on Holiday in the Swiss Alps for some hiking last Summer. These juicy little ones were spoiled little ones and needed a good scalding in my special hot tub. I loved the aroma of krauter salz and fleish just a simmering away. I really enjoyed draining their blood for my old luxurious bath. Young things are the sweetest flesh to dine on and letting all these guys I had up at the chalet were all politicians who paid me well. We all know how they entice in this delicacy. I had the young sweet cunts and asses ready for their debauchery. I really enjoyed dismembering them and tossing them in the pot once they were basted with semen.

Cannibalism phone sex

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