Microwaved Meat doesn’t tastes as Good! Cannibalism phone sex

Cannibalism phone sexSometimes men tend to forget that I am a cannibalism phone sex specialist. Not only will I murder your whole family and castrate you, but I will also cook, eat, and sell the flesh. Its an erotic undertone that makes my snuff whore pussy so fucking wet, it’s like an ocean. Earl met me in a sleazy ass hotel and needed some deviant sex. He wanted me to put the meat hook in his flesh and ride him while he was hanging. It took a lot of work to set his apparatus up. I did enjoy watching him swing and the blood trickle to the plastic under him. I climbed on him and my clit piercing got caught between us and caused some very good pain as it ripped. That must have invoked my evil Angel of death, more though I was pissed that my anatomy had been disfigured. I jumped down and grabbed an extra meat hook and sliced his dick until it hung in shredded pieces. No one cared about his screams and there was only a microwave her to cook his dick. Rather than ruining this fillet of the penis, I ate it whole while he watched, and the blood slowly poured out of him until his body hung dead and lifeless. I had to call a couple of my Henchmen to load his body and bring back to my dungeon so I could roast his body properly. I would do the same for you if you dared Cross This evil angel of Death!

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