Torture phone sex whore

torture phone sex

I have a very special friend that pays me and my brother, from time to time to help him with certain things. He has a very dark fantasy and often needs young whores to torture and snuff out for his pleasure. He knows how good I am at luring little sluts away. My brother is good at snatching them up. I was worried that he would have to resort to torture phone sex if we couldn’t find him a whore to play with. I knew that my city being on lock down was perfect because I could still find whores for him and no one would be around to catch us or to stop them from getting forced into my car. I went downtown to a truckstop that is notorious for being a hooker hangout. I saw a young slut in the parking lot, getting out of a truck. I went over to her and asked if she wanted to suck my brother’s cock for some dope. She looked like a little junkie bitch. She followed me back to my car where my brother was waiting to grab her and force her into the backseat with him. Once we had her in the car, she wouldn’t stop kicking and screaming so I had my brother punch her in the face and knock her out. While she was out, he couldn’t help himself. He pulled her skirt down and force fucked her nasty whore pussy right there in my backseat. I brought her to our friend who was so excited to have this cum filled lot lizard to torture and mutilate. We helped him put her on the table and restrain her. By the time she wakes up, she’ll be tied up and being tortured and I’ll be laughing while counting my fat stack of cash!




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