ass rape porn

ass rape porn

I got another side gig. I love these little quick cash jobs I get. I make the perfect accomplice. No one thinks to look at me when their precious little unattended brat gets snatched up to be used tortured and tossed out. This time I had to find a little whore for some ass rape porn movie they were shooting. I don’t have a hard time finding the little bitches at all. The malls are crawling with unattended brats that will practically walk out with anyone that they think is no threat. So I went shopping for a good little whore .I found one little wanna be whore that was perfect for what I needed. She had on a crop top with short shorts and her little ass cheeks hanging out of the back. She was looking for attention and I was going to make sure that she found lots of it. I told her that I was a modeling agent and I could make her a star. I even handed her a fake business card and had her believing every word I said. These bitches these days all think they’re models anyway. Soon,I had her walking out to my van with me. She had no idea that there were actually 3 men in masks waiting in that van to snatch her up and drive away with her. As we approached the van, the back door swung open and one of the guys grabbed her and put his hand over her mouth. He pushed her into the van where two other guys were waiting to tie her up and gag her. She didn’t even have a chance to scream and she was gone. She’ll be a star one way or another and I still have my cash to go shopping with.

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