My Snuff Sex is to Die for

snuff sex

My snuff sex is to die for. I am an evil bitch who loves drawing men in who think I am just a run of the mill low self-esteem sweet young piece of ass. 

But I want to hurt you. I want to hear your balls go crunch with my cattle castrator. Or I could Slice filets off your cock and salt and pepper them and feed them to you as Your blood pools around your ass. Either way you are going to be shackled and my sweet wet pussy will be riding your hard cock as you die. A plastic sack over your head with deadly spiders and you seeing my shadow as for once you can make a girl cum. Too bad it’s your first and last time. The poison will make your meat unusable so I will have to machete your head off and use it like a fucking kickball. Never worry, I will make good use of all the parts of your body after death. Waste not want not mother fucker. 

Does that make your cock jump? Then you should let me seduce you to your death. 

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