His wife set him up

taboo phone sexThe wife of a prominent business man came to me last week looking to set him up. Her plan was pretty fucked up, we were going to frame him for murder and make sure that he spent the rest of his life in prison where he would have no control over his money… that would all fall to his wife to take care of. Since we were talking about millions of dollars here I was very happy to help her. Her husband had an unfortunate fetish, he liked helpless little girls so I acted like the perfect bait. I acted like I was drugged and simple, maybe even a little slow and waited for him in his office late one evening. I acted like I was lost and had no idea how I even got there, he was ready to call security to remove me but once he saw that I was naked under my coat he was suddenly eager to be alone with me. He pulled my coat open and molested me and I let him, I waited until he was extremely turned on and rock fucking hard, then I quickly injected him with a powerful tranquilizer. Once he was passed out I filled his office with all sorts of evidence, even a little dead girl to complete the scene and called the police. They hauled him off to prison and I was paid very well, so this story definitely has a happy ending for me!


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    • vinny on June 1, 2019 at 5:55 pm
    • Reply

    love that cunt!

    • Eric on June 2, 2019 at 8:39 am
    • Reply

    Sadistic sweet victim, I adore you and our escapades.

    • diadro on June 3, 2019 at 10:44 pm
    • Reply

    i want to ruin you

    • Kieth on June 4, 2019 at 6:56 pm
    • Reply

    I dream of torturing you.

    • Andy on June 5, 2019 at 6:44 am
    • Reply

    You’re such an evil little slut. Love it.

    • Spencer on June 5, 2019 at 12:24 pm
    • Reply

    Nasty little bitch. Could use you on some of my schemes.

    • greg on June 5, 2019 at 5:55 pm
    • Reply

    Kill me bitch, please

    • kinky on June 6, 2019 at 12:38 pm
    • Reply

    Mmm so sexy

    • Dannie on June 6, 2019 at 10:11 pm
    • Reply

    I want Willow to Fuck ME Up. Her imagination runs totally RED.

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