My Necrophilia Side

Necrophilia phone sex

I wasn’t always a necrophile slut.  I was always a mutilator and small animal killer whore though.The only subject I actually enjoyed was Bio. I excelled in that class, except for the dissection part. Looking at that dead piglet I felt my first stirring…that tingle of excitement mixed with a yearning for the non-living. In death it looked so serene and happy, blissfully unaware of its surroundings; lying on the metal table surrounded by sweaty School girls armed with gloves and scalpels. I faked sick so I could skip that class. I couldn’t bear watching my classmates violate the sanctity of death. I’m obsessed with death. I find it so beautiful. I especially love the ones with thick eyebrows and a slight grimace in their perpetual slumber. Only I am the murderess and those still, unmoving bodies smooth and hard like marble underneath my body Make my pussy so fucking wet.  I inject fluid into my victims’ dicks so I can ride them for hours as they stay erect. Then I cut my breast so the blood runs down for lubrication. My pussy lips provide most of the lubrication though. Nothing like sex with dead bodies mixed with a bloodgasm. I feel the most alive after fucking a dead body. Is it the same for you baby? Would you like this sweet young whore I have laid out on the slab, her cold body perfect for your cock? Tell Angel of Death Jezabel all about it!

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