Cocksucker Castration

snuff phone sex

Cocksucker! Now do I have your attention? This snuff whore has captured you and you are hanging in an abandoned factory warehouse. Oh, this little blood loving slut didn’t do it alone. These massive black football player type big strong black men have had there way with your ass. Your bleeding down the wall with meat hooks in your shoulders.

I loved the way you squealed for me piggy boy. You have been pissed on and fucked so hard that your intestines are hanging out. You’re my bloody faggot bitch. My Bitch man slave, be my sex toy entertainment for the night. 

My shears are sharp and catching the light. Beg for me not to castrate you cock whore! I will let you down if you prove yourself. Ten big Black cocks are waiting for you to try to save your manhood! Suck them and let them fuck the pulp that is your ass! Can you save that dick? Or will I be slicing and dicing it as you bleed out for me, dealers choice!

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