Road Trip

Torture phone sexWe were half way to Vegas when you nodded your head toward a car that had it’s hood up on the side of the road just up ahead.  I nodded back. We slowed down then pulled in behind the car.  Breaking down in the middle of the Mojave Desert in August wasn’t a pleasant experience for anyone.  You walked over to inspect the engine while I made my way to the driver’s side of the car.  She was in there, just staring straight ahead while gripping the steering wheel hard. I introduced myself and she said nothing, she was just gripping the steering wheel harder and harder.  She was sweating like mad.  Her shirt was soaked with sweat and her lips were dry. 

I walked over to my bike, took out a bottle of water from my bag then handed it to her.  Again, nothing.  What the fuck was wrong with this bitch? She finally looked at me and said, “You need to leave, I don’t need help from people like you.”  People like me??? I asked her, “What sort of ‘people’ do you think we are?”  She looked straight ahead again and said, “Bad.”  She wasn’t wrong, but I was actually trying to be nice!  Last time I do that.  I poured the water out next to her door, then tossed the empty bottle into her car.  I walked around the front of the car and told you what she said. You raised your eyebrow then laughed. 

You said, “Fuck her.” We both got on our bikes and took off.  You and I stopped at a little dive about two miles up the road.  Besides the three workers we were the only ones in there. We watched to see if anyone drove by from her direction but they didn’t.  You decided we needed to visit her again.  It was my turn to laugh.  We made our way back to her car.  She was slumped over her steering wheel.  I wasn’t sure if she was even alive.  It had been 119 degrees and she didn’t have any water.  We parked and you went to her window.  She wasn’t faring very well.  I grabbed some water, you opened her door, dragged her out into desert and laid her down.  I lifted her head up and poured water into her mouth.  After a bit she came around. 

Before it had been, “you are bad” now it was “thank you, thank you, thank you”  too late for that cunt.  She should of taken the help offered before.  You helped me put her into the back seat, she thought we were going to help her.  Not this time.  You climbed in on top of her, I smoked a cigarette by the trunk listening as your fists hit her face a few times.  She was screaming, but you were fucking her so neither you or I really cared.  After you were done you backed out of the back seat. 

You took her keys and opened the trunk, she had two gas cans in there.  Both you and I dumped all that wonderful smelling liquid over the car, and when you splashed some on her, she snapped out of the haze she was in.  The begging was getting on my fucking nerves.  You slammed the door shut, then tossed a match inside.  It took a moment but then we had the most amazing bon fire.  We stood there for a few minutes, the smell of burning flesh is horrible, but we wanted to watch. 

You put your arm around my waist and I laid my head on your shoulder.  It was truly romantic.  Finally her screaming stopped and we walked to our bikes, got on, and road away.  It was going to be the best road trip and mini vacation ever.

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