Tuam Memento Mori

Sadistic phone sex

Is it just me. or does anyone else think of Demons when you see, or hear Latin? Not a bad thing to think of after all, they are pretty cool when you think about it.  Now onto the topic of this blog, Tuam Memento Mori -Remember Your Death is what it translates to.  I like to think that when someone who I have helped pass over that they remember what happened, and that the fear, pain, and sadness lasts for their eternity.  Although I do not particularly believe in the after life, but hey, you never know.  

All those tender pussies, ripped apart between the legs of some little slut that was asking for it, and remembering me.  Those uppity bitches who needed to die because they cheated on their husbands, those fuckers who hurt someone and that person wanted pay back.  Anybody who I have had a hand in ending just floating around with the damage and pain still fresh.  I hope it makes their afterlife excruciating.  I hope that some how they are able to hold onto a little piece of me, like a loved one who wears a locket of a family member long gone.

However, the way I remember their deaths is with a sick satisfaction, a happiness if you will.  I relive every second of every screamed filled session, basking in the knowledge that I caused that pain and I have to admit, that does make my pussy rather wet.  Sometimes I go out and pick up someone to have a quick fuck.  I tend to freak guys out though because I will have them beg, or  plead, or scream for me, some of them will do it, other’s won’t and get scared.  I just think it makes it better when I’m riding them hard (I am always on top) and see them either get into it, or watch as they try to stop and I won’t let them and fuck them anyway.

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