First Cookout Of The Summer!

hot phonesex angie2The weather was perfect last week end for my first cook out. And I out did myself. I set up my fire pit with it’s rotisserie stick and got the fire nice and hot. The little bitch was screaming and crying the whole time I was working which only served to make my pussy dripping wet with anticipation. She wouldn’t be screaming for fucking long. Soon the others will arrive and help me prepare our feast of roast bitch.
I walked over to our dinner and took out my shaving cream and razor and began to shave that fucking cunt  clean. All her hair would be removed except what was on her head. The only two things we eat off the fucking head are the eyes and the tongue any way.
Just in the nick of time the guest began to arrive so we could lay the little bitch out. It was time to skewer her ass for dinner. We could do it the merciful way and start threw the mouth but we are not merciful and that would be no fun at all.
With the bitches ankles tied together and her hands tied behind her back we laid her flat on the ground belly down. I spread those ass cheeks wide and watched him shove the skewer straight up her ass. Of course we have to hold the cunt still as we want the skewer to go in straight so it exits threw her mouth.
The agonizing screams make us all laugh with delight.
Ever so slowly we push the skewer up that ass, threw the abdomen and out the mouth. Then it is time to place her over the fire and begin basking her in herbs and seasoning.
This bitch must be grade A meat because she smells delicious! My fucking mouth is watering as much as my cunt is as we take turns slowly turning the skewer to insure even cooking. As we drink and laugh.
The sides are all ready and in a few hours we will enjoy our meal. After dinner we will satisfy our craving for wicked sex. We will laugh and joke about our little cunt and how good she tasted while we fuck each other in the most wicked and taboo ways you could ever fucking imagine! There is nothing like the first cook out of the summer. It is always a great party and a day full of fun for all!picnic1

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