Torture Me!

Torture phone sex    It is the 5th day I have been trapped here. How I know this is because I have a tiny window on the other side of the room. I watch the sun go down and rise again, and every time I watch the sun go down I jab my hand on the barbwire that is around my wrists into my hand and I can feel the cuts. I haven’t heard any foot steps above me till today.. One guy walks down the stairs and when you lays his eyes on me, you can just seem them fill with joy. Mine eyes are dead looking, because I have been sitting here naked drenched in dried blood with parts of my bones inching out of my skin. He walks towards me with this head device that looks like a bear trap, and tells me that’s for me. He opened it up and shoved my head back and slipped it on me and closed it. It held my mouth and eyes open.

He grabbed a pick axe and held it so close to my eye. He said, “what beautiful eyes you have, I would love to see those everyday forever”. As he said that he drove the ice pick into my eye and yanked back and pulled my eye right out of my socket. Blood starting rushing down my face as I was screaming in pain. He grabbed my eye off the end of the ice pick and shoved it in my mouth. Then he got a butcher’s knife and came back to me and ran it down my blood soaked body. He slowly stated to cut off my pussy lips. I screamed as loud as I could, and he took one and shoved it in my mouth along with his rock hard cock! He starts choking mes with his cock and shoving the piece of my own pussy down my throat so I started throwing up all over myself, and he said ” Fucking stupid cunt your going to fucking eat all that up!”. So then he took of the head contraption and threw me on the ground. I could only see from one eye and my face was covered in blood and throw up as I tried to eat every piece of throw up off the ground. All I could think about is whats in store for me tomorrow…


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