When I arrived home from some errands there was a line of guys waiting outside of my door for me. Inside seated in his chair was my husband. He told me to get ready because I was only minutes away from being skull fucked by all the men I had seen lined up outside. He made me drop to my knees and tied my ankles together making sure I could not get up and walk away. He told me if I did not make every single guy cum with my mouth within a 1 minute time frame that the next action would be my ass making them cum. And that he would see to it that they tore my asshole open just like he had weeks prior. My shit hole had just started to heal and the thought just terrified me. I stayed there on my knees with my mouth wide open while cock after cock gagged me and cut off my airway plenty of times nearly knocking me unconscious. My husband sat next to me with a stop watch keeping close track of time. When I was not performing up to my husbands expectations he would come over and wrap a thick piece of rope around my neck tying it tight. Practically strangulating me until I satisfied him. There were some many times I thought this was going to be my last breath. I woke up laying on the floor covered in cum from head to toe. My asshole was not bloody so I am taking it my mouth was sufficient this time around.
Strangulation Phone Sex
- By Paulina in Accomplice phone sex, Domination phone sex, Evil phone sex, Fantasy phone sex, Gangbang rape porn, Rape phone sex fantasies, Sadistic phone sex, Snuff sex, Strangulation phone sex, Suffocation phone sex
May 10, 2016
Phone Sex Rates
Billed discreetly as WBMTT Enterprises.
$2.00 per minute all calls in the Continental United States. $2.50 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
$4.00 per minute for 2 girl calls in the Continental United States. $5.00 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
We also offer cyber text sessions and those are at the same rate as calls
10 minute minimum on all calls, no exceptions.
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$2.00 per minute all calls in the Continental United States. $2.50 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
$4.00 per minute for 2 girl calls in the Continental United States. $5.00 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
We also offer cyber text sessions and those are at the same rate as calls
10 minute minimum on all calls, no exceptions.
--We Take It All--

All Credit Cards Accepted
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