In The Dead Of The Night

taboo phone sex karmaAll tucked in, teddy held tight in your arms, your eyes are heavy and you long to be in that magical world known as dreamland. You feel yourself drifting closer to that place where the clouds are giant marshmallows and you can play with all the animals. Not tonight…..tonight I am sending the darkest shadows to that happy place. Where you thought there would be light, there will be dark. Terror lurks in every shadow and evil is chasing you. Your heart is beating with fear, the faster you run the closer it gets. The walls are closing in on you, breathing in and out and trapping you. You open your mouth to scream but no sound escapes your lips. Mommy and Daddy are no where to be found. You’re alone, abandoned, helpless and the devil himself is breathing down your neck. You can feel his hot breath on the back of your neck. You dare to turn around and look into the glowing red eyes that are the face of death. Your going to die here in what was once your safe place. You wake up with a start, sweat soaking your cute little pajamas, your walls softly lit by glowing stars and moons. Afraid to close your eyes and go back to sleep? Good that is how it is supposed to be…. 

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