Jane Doe on the menu

Pandora 5Occasionally, I will receive corpses that have no identification or that no one would want to claim which is known as a “Jane Doe”. They are known as discarded bodies that no one will miss or notice. With knowing that knowledge, I like to make use of the unwanted remains. Depending on how they died and how freshly dead they are, I like to through dinner party gathering for a small group or selective friends. The other day Bianca approached me about having dinner with me. I accepted her offer and told her I would provide the food as long as she brings the alcohol for our dinner date. I had a freshly dead teen girl that came in this morning and that was found hanging over the side of the bridge completely naked. So it was obvious that she had not ID on her. Since she was found shortly after she killed herself, her body was very fresh and succulent looking for me and my dinner companion. So I cleaned her entire body and rubbed her down with some extra virgin olive oil. Then I stuffed her mouth and pussy packed tightly with vegetables and various seasonings. To make sure that nothing falls out while cooking, I took a needle and thread to sew both openings shut to preserve the savoring flavor. Then into the over she goes to cook until a golden brown. By the time she will be fully cooked, Bianca should be here so we can feast upon our tasty Jane Doe dish. Bon’ Appetit!

dinner pic

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