12 Days of Castration Phone Sex Continues

castration phone sexCastration phone sex? Chop off your balls, Paul. Cut off your dick, Mick. I love making rhymes for losers who need their junk removed. It is the 12 Days of Castration Christmas. A few days left, and I have been super busy. For every loser I castrate for free, I castrate several for pay. Last night, this rich prick Brock got his balls removed. He was one not by choice. His wife paid me my largest some yet to mutilate her husband’s cheating genitals. Castrate your cock, Brock. He is a boy’s club sort of man. Comes from money, makes money and puts his dick in every stripper and Hooters’ girl across the US. Not to mention, he spends more money on sluts than his wife and son. She wants to stay married to him but wants to make him unable to fuck. Brock is my favorite kind of man to mutilate down below. Self intitled and lacking a desire to be castrated. Wifey asked for a dirty castration too. A healthy bacterial infection between the legs makes a man appreciate what he has more. Wifey let me in the house on a night he was home. She drugged him as instructed. When I arrived, he was not happy. I don’t look like the kind of woman he associates with. I spelled out his dirty deeds. I told him his punishment. He made me a counter offer to mutilate his wife. He pissed me off from the get-go, so his wife stripped him naked and I used his belt to separate his cock from his balls. Normally, I’d use a castration band to dull the pain and stop the blood flow, but I wanted this prick to feel the pain. Loser passed out on me. Saw his blood spurting out while I sliced his nuts off and passed out. When I carved “cheater” on the side on his dick, he woke back up. I used a dirty blade. I didn’t cauterize the wound. If he survived, he would be dependent on his wife to pee. Well, maybe he’ll think before he cheats again.

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